We’re starting to get a lot of fan mail at Miata Lovers. A little over a month ago we signed up for Facebook (still don’t have a clue how to use it) and thought we would share with you some of the messages we get.

Filed under: miscellaneous | Tags: | JU Boy | October 3, 2008

Have you been laid off? Need some extra dough for gas? Maybe you’re just looking for something new.

It’s been three weeks since we made our first post and we’re ready to expand our team. If you’re interested in working for a cool company that’s experiencing explosive growth, Miata Lovers is the place for you. Depending on the position, we are looking to hire full-time, part-time, and internships in the areas of content production and writing, search engine optimization and marketing, and graphic design and web development. For job requirements, please click Jobs in the menu to the right.


Filed under: miscellaneous | Tags: | JU Boy |

JU Boy, Windpipe, and Goldenboy play Rock Band.

[flv:rockband_bjc.flv rockband_bjc_poster.jpg 424 318]

Filed under: miscellaneous | Tags: , , , | JU Boy | October 2, 2008

It pains me to say this but the third and final installment of the Cheaters series is delayed. Someone thought it would be funny to set up a season pass for every show on the LOGO channel resulting in the Miata Lover’s DVR maxing out and subsequently deleting older, saved shows. This left no way for our technical staff to extract the last part of the episode. JU Boy has contacted Cheaters and is working on getting a copy of the original episode. Sometimes I like talking in the third person.



Filed under: miscellaneous | Tags: | JU Boy | October 1, 2008

JU Boy gets comfortable in Gap’s new home store.


Filed under: miscellaneous | Tags: | JU Boy |

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