Sarah Palin Parah Salin

Filed under: miscellaneous | Tags: | JU Boy | October 10, 2008

What happens when you take 2,200 Miatas, 2,200 Heath Ledgers, and put them together? You get a legend. 

Filed under: miscellaneous | Tags: , , | JU Boy | October 9, 2008

This is exactly what you don’t want to do in an interview with Diddy. We went to high school with Stefanie so it makes this video all the more special to us.

[flv:diddy_stefanie_432x324.flv diddy_stefanie_poster.jpg 432 324]

Filed under: miscellaneous | Tags: , | JU Boy | October 7, 2008

Rachel Ray and her guest do the nasty and shuck on camera.
[flv:rachel_ray_432x324.flv rachel_ray_poster.jpg 432 324]

Filed under: miscellaneous | Tags: | JU Boy | October 6, 2008

The hybrid market seems to be hitting Fletcher Jones where it hurts—his pocket book.

[flv:fletcher_jones_ad.flv fletcher_jones_poster.jpg 432 294]

Filed under: miscellaneous | Tags: | JU Boy |

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