Filed under: miscellaneous | Tags: , , , | JU Boy | September 26, 2008


       Now we know who the real forefathers of the Patriot Act are.

Filed under: miscellaneous | Tags: , , , | JU Boy | September 24, 2008

Not how I like to start my mornings.

txt msg from joey

Filed under: miscellaneous | Tags: , | JU Boy | September 23, 2008

NOT WORK SAFE (NWS): Goldenboy says his drawing days are over until next year’s festival, but who really knows with that guy. I can’t say much about the following images except they’re disturbing; however, his integration of both content and an advertisement really takes this art form to a new level. I even tried out my photoshop skills to give you guys the full effect even though Joey’s aim is way off. 

Filed under: miscellaneous | Tags: , , , | JU Boy | September 19, 2008


Title: Ode to Zetsius

Written by: Goldenboy

Performed live by: Goldenboy

Produced by: JU Boy

Length: 1:57


Filed under: miscellaneous | Tags: , , | JU Boy | September 10, 2008

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